Xanthippe is right on the mark.
As my many many friends, fans and followers know, I was in the WTB&TS cult in the period of the late 1950s through the mid-ish 1970s. During that time period, JWs were given a vitual "Ticket to Paradise" through the WT doctrine that Armageddon was due any day now ("closer than the inside of your eyelid," I used to say) AND people who died prior to Armageddon could expect to be resurrected before people who died further in the past. This "Last Out/First In" (LOFI) strategy made "theocratic sense" at the time; after all, wouldn't King Jesus want you to be there when your parents and grandparents were resurrected? Sure he would.
But the unintended effect of this was it this gave people that "Ticket to Paradise" I mentioned earlier.
Many availed themseles of this opportunity, and many others seriously considered it.
That's my observation. Your mileage may vary, but if it does, you're wrong.